Saturday, September 8, 2007

Beanie: March 29th, 1997-June 13th 2007

I miss Beanie everyday. My life feels a void. Not only was he the best dog ever, but he kept me company when times were rough. The times we shared together are in my heart forever. I hope wherever his soul lies, he is happy. RIP beanman, you will be missed, and never forgotten.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Here are a few pieces of artwork from my friend Josh who lives in the Netherlands. Sweeeeet.

CHECK IT OUT. And if you don't like it, you will DIE. :)

Dancin' the night away...

sexy ladies...

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist (Good Quality)

A friend of mine posted this this to his blog about a month ago, and it made me remember how weird it really was. I had missed it! Please enjoy with an open mind!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Leatherhead Meets The Rat King Part 1

Old School TMNT. "I guarOnteee!"

Homer Joins The StoneCutters

Alright just made the list!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Friday, April 6, 2007

Alanis Morissette

She is just AMAZING. Love, Love, Love this song.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Borat and Etiquette

Thank you....Helen!

You don't know...

So this weekend was pretty cool. Baller, if you will. I FINALLY bought a car! Yeah, I'm as shocked as you are. I purchased a '01 Mazda, Protege. Holler! It's not the best car in town, but it sure is a sweet ride. I got an alarm, CD player, and moon roof. I'm spoiled.

I also got to spend time with a really cool guy. (Kiera Knightley!!???) Champagne, Ali G, and Kaya made my weekend amazing. Thank you SO much for everything.

I would also like to give a shout out to my madre. She really pulled through this weekend. I had my doubts, but she was so supportive. It feels really good when you can depend on your parents, the people who brought you into this damn world. So overall, I would have to say life is really really really fun. I definitely am happy.

On another note, the online draft went really well. I picked up some good players. I didnt get Miguel Cabrera, but I did get Dontrelle and Pujols. I remember when Pujols was a young player, just getting noticed. Now he is ultra superstar.

Enough about me... more to come later.
Some topics I want to discuss:
  • Why the Simpsons Season 4 was so brilliant
  • Ridin' Dirty v. Ballin

peach out lovers.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Guess I'm not the only one...

who loves Jose Miguel Cabrera.
I decided to check out the Marlins message boards on yahoo today, and there were all these "I love Miguel Cabrera!" messages...
check out this poem one girl wrote to him:


HAHAHAHA!! That's great! Why didn't I think of that? So now it makes me think he has girls drooling over him all the time. Yeah, yeah he does. Do I even have a chance? Can I go to Miami and actually expect a love affair? :) hmmm...
This was the second poem:
Base ball is the greatest game to play,
I could fuck Miguel Cabrera all nite and day!
I have to say I like this one better.
What a cutie!

p.s. ... Thank you to David for playing XBOX baseball with me. I had mucho fun. Dontrelle (aka David) smoked 'em. 8-2! Don't you just love it?

Am I crazy?

Okay, so now I currently have 3 jobs! What have I done? Will this 3rd job be fullfilling? Will I enjoy working there? Tomorrow I will be getting up at 5:45-6am. I have to be in RSM by 7am. sigh... I am worried, tired and cranky. I had a good day today so far though. I think I will go take a nap. yessss. I hear so many people say that , I figure I might as well get in on the action. So till later tonight , I'm off to snooze out the rest of the afternoon.

A report on the work situation tomorrow night. I have a feeling I will be extra tired. blah!

No Joke

I had some strange dreams last night. I think my mind is still trying to figure out what happened in my last big mistake down the relationship highway. Men make me laugh in all ways, good and bad. keep up the good work.

Saturday, February 24, 2007


I don't really believe all of the astrological hogwash, but I felt this interpretation was somewhat interesting... what do you think?

Sagittarius rising produces a personality that is restless, outgoing, and very independent. This Ascendant is one that produces goal oriented individuals; people with a long-range outlook and philosophical attitude. Your ambitions are geared to those long-range and large-scale goals. Simultaneously, you are apt to have a positive and optimistic outlook. You feel matters will turn out okay, no matter how large the challenge may be.

You have strong urges to cover vast distances, both physically and mentally. Usually, everything does turn out well for you. Your "Ruling" planet is Jupiter, the "great benefic." Jupiter is considered the luckiest planet in the zodiac. It produces a personality characterized by humor and a happy-go-lucky disposition. You have a need to experience life fully in a variety of ways. Open and friendly, you are usually cheerful, interested, and jovial.

One difficulty that you may have from time to time is that you to take everything and everyone for granted. You don't like dealing with pessimistic or emotional people, and you don't want the burden of dealing with their problems. You don't even like dealing with your own problems, often ignoring them with an attitude that if you don't acknowledge these situations, they will go away. There may be a fear of disappointment in your makeup that can prevent you from seeing your path to success clearly.

Although you are an excellent abstract thinker, you are also very much an outdoor person. You love nature. In this vein, you are a very spiritual person who can tune in to the higher forces in life simply by taking a walk in the woods.

You are a very direct person. Your speech can be blunt and to the point, often lacking in tact and diplomacy. Your reasoning powers are superb. To be fulfilled, you need a constant challenge and goal. If these two factors are combined in effective ways in your life, you may do much. This sign enjoys the good fortune of having thought patterns that remain young and fresh throughout life. Your outlook won't become jaded by time or turmoil.


So more pictures of spring training pictures were posted! YAY! I also went to Borders bookstore yesterday and got 2 fantastic books! "Don't sweat the small stuff" and "The girls guide to ABSOLUTELY everything!" They are wonderful books filled with ways to improve your life and how to live life to the fullest. I need all the advice I can get... So excerpts from those books coming soon, perhaps tonight, once I get a highlighter and highlight the most important parts. But before I do that lets post the new pics ....

Get rid of it baby!

Dontrelle is crazy!
There is an article about him concerning the new season and his pitching potential that I may also post, for your reading pleasure, if you do actually read this stuff. :)

cheers my lovlies!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Thursday, February 8, 2007

If you'll be my bodyguard...

A man walks down the street, He says why am I soft in the middle now? Why am I soft in the middle? The rest of my life is so hard! I need a photo-opportunity, I want a shot at redemption, Don't want to end up a cartoon, In a cartoon graveyard. You know I don't find this stuff amusing anymore.

If you'll be my bodyguard I can be your long lost pal.

A man walks down the street, he says why am I short of attention, got a short little span of attention and my nights are so long, where's my wife and family? What if I die here? Who'll be my role-model? Now that my role-model is gone, gone, he ducked back down the alley with some roly-poly little bat-faced girl. All along, along, there were incidents and accidents. There were hints and allegations.

If you'll be my bodyguard, I can be your long lost pal.

A man walks down the street, it's a street in a strange world. Maybe it's the Third World, maybe it's his first time around. He doesn't speak the language, he holds no currency, he is a foreign man, he is surrounded by the sound. The sound, cattle in the marketplace. Scatterlings and orphanages. He looks around, around, he sees angels in the architecture, spinning in infinity. He says Amen! and Hallelujah!

If you'll be my bodyguard, I can be your long lost pal.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Homer Jay

So as many of my friends know, I have a crush on Homer Jay Simpson. Now maybe you're asking yourself why? He is a cartoon slob that drinks too much, is fat, lazy, and makes stupid decisions. Very true. But underneath all of his yellow fat, remains a heart of gold. His lack of brain power only seems to give him more of an appeal. I'm not sure why. I hope I find myself my own Homer someday. Here are a couple photos of my favorite Homer moments.
Humor me!

1. Although Homer cant speak because his Jaw is shut, he still finds a way to tell us what he thinks. What a sweetie!

2. Gurgle, drool, Homer is lusting after the Gummy Venus De-Milo. "Don't Panic, She couldn't of gone far, she has no arms."

3. Is there anything more sexy than a man who knows how to handle a weapon? Especially a sawed-off Shotgun. "Shows over Shakespeare!"

My favorite Homer quotes coming soon...


I dream about this place at least once a week, no joke.
I cant explain my connection to it, I just want to go back, sit on the beach and take in the beauty. It seemed as if this tiny city was untouched, and pure. The visit to that city, was possibly the best part of visiting the Nederlands. The streets reminded me of California, as if I had been there before. Whatever happens in my life, I have to go back. I honestly don't think I would ever leave. Till then, I can only dream...